Mondays with Maria: Summer Enrichment
Posted on 04/15/2024
Mondays with Maria



Dr. Maria Vazquez: Spring break is behind us. Now is the time to be thinking about summer plans for your child. Coming up, why summer enrichment is so important.

Announcer: Welcome to Mondays with Maria, presented by Addition Financial Credit Union. Here's OCPS Superintendent Dr. Maria Vazquez.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Hi everyone. Nancy Alvarez is back with me. Nancy, did you know that now is the time for our families to start signing up for summer camps and summer enrichment opportunities?

Nancy Alvarez: It's exhausting Dr. Vazquez because we just wrapped up spring break and now we have to start thinking about summer. So, but we have to because these programs really do fill up quickly.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Yes, they do. But thankfully there's so many opportunities in central Florida. But I want to touch on how important summer enrichment opportunities are. They really do help students retain and use information that they've learned throughout the school year. They build social skills. They can help your child gain self-confidence. So if a parent is on the fence about whether to enroll their child or not, I highly, highly recommend that they sign them up.

Nancy Alvarez: Yeah. And children can also meet new friends. They develop lifelong bonds. It's so important on a social level, like you mentioned.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Yeah, that is another great point. And studies show that when the students return in the fall, the academic skills and the schedules are easily picked, backed up by them because

Nancy Alvarez: They still have a little bit of a routine. Yes. And so that helps. Let's talk about high school students. We often think about elementary students, of course enrolling in summer camps. But it's just as important for our teenagers to stay busy.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Yes, it's true. So our students who are in middle and high school can really start to explore some interests that they may have. Maybe they can discover a new passion. For our high school students. It's a great time to try out maybe a college course, get involved in community service hours. All of those look wonderful when they are applying for colleges and universities.

Nancy Alvarez: All right, so for all those overwhelmed families out there like me, where do we start?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: So I would suggest the first place to start is your school. Our school counselors are full of knowledge and information in this area for our families. Our families can also do research. They can look on social media, online, talk to other parents about what opportunities are available for their children.

Nancy Alvarez: All right. I would imagine summer camps aren't the only way to get enrichment, right? There's options out there.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Oh, absolutely. And traveling. I think both of us are having some travel plans this summer, but that's another wonderful opportunity for our children to gain enrichment, when they're traveling. So consider visiting museums in the town that you are in. Learn about some of the history of where you're going so children when they get there, can really appreciate that time. Also, consider teaching them skills, such as cooking, photography, playing a musical instrument. You could also, if you're staying in town, you're not really traveling. Maybe host movie nights. So that you can roll up some of that popcorn candy and watch a great film. And you could also have children, get more interested in gardening, crafts that you can do at home, like building bird houses. And most importantly, please always encourage your child to read. Even if it's on the plane, in the car when they're driving or just at home, taking some time to just relax, curl up with a great book.

Nancy Alvarez: This is the summer my kids learn to speak Spanish. I'm going to manifest it. I'm putting it out there in the universe with you.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: All right, buenos suerte. (Good Luck)

Nancy Alvarez: Thank you. I need it. I need it. Those are all really good suggestions. And so our message today is don't wait to sign up for those summer enrichment or summer camps. Do it now. Start researching those learning opportunities during your travels. And I'm ready. Let's do this. Vamos. (Let's Go)

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Alright, I'm ready too. Thank you again for being here, and thank you for watching. I'll see you next week on Mondays with Maria

Announcer: Mondays with Maria's presented by Addition Financial Credit Union. Count us in for every step of your financial journey. Learn more at For more OCPS news and information, visit I'm your announcer Deivarsi Demezier, a senior at Apopka High School. Thanks for watching and have a great week.