Work session reviews Code of Student Conduct and operating and capital budget
Posted on 06/20/2023
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At today’s work session, the Orange County School Board reviewed JIC/2023-24 Code of Student Conduct and the operating and capital budget.
Revisions to the existing policy language include content, formatting and edits necessary for statutory compliance. View the presentation.
A staff attorney and director of student discipline answered questions related to the policy.
Board members discussed transportation procedures, cell phone usage, safety in private spaces, hazing and processes for disciplinary infractions.
Next steps 
Rule Development Workshop – July 18, 2023
Board Approval – Aug. 1, 2023
Effective Date – Upon Approval
Following the review of the Code of Student Conduct, the chief financial officer and the Office of Management and Budget senior director provided board members an overview of the operating and capital budgets. View the presentation.
Watch the work session to see the full discussion.  
Next steps 
Public hearing on tentative budget – Aug. 1, 2023
Public hearing on adopted budget – Sept. 12, 2023
*Reminder* Work sessions are live streamed on the School Board’s YouTube channel and are accessible from web browsers on computers or mobile devices.