Parent Tech Tips for May 6, 2023
Posted on 05/06/2023
Understanding Family Reports graphicGrades VPK-2 chartGrades 3-5 testing graphic
Grades 6-8 testing informationGrades 9-12 testing information

Finish Fierce - time to show what they know!

In preparation for the end of the year, this week's topic is spring state standardized assessments reports and district end of course assessments.
State Standardized Assessments
Students in grades K-10 will take the final Florida’s Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) assessment for the third and final time. In grades 6-12, students may also take a state End of Course Assessment if they are enrolled in a certain class. The charts above provide test information for elementary, middle and high school students.
FACT: If your child is enrolled in high school Algebra I, Geometry, Biology, or U.S. History, the state requires that the End of Course Assessment count for 30% of their final course grade.
FAST ELA and Math Results for Grade 3 and Up | Available May 9 
The Florida Department of Education is scheduled to release assessment scores for grades 3-8 FAST English Language Arts and FAST Mathematics on Tuesday, May 9, 2023. In OCPS, parents and guardians can view scores on the OCPS Parent Portal in the Skyward Family Access App under "District Links." 

How to access reports flowchart

Understanding family reports
This year, your student's assessment scores may look different than previous FSA and FCAT reports. Learning how to read the FAST Family Reports will help you understand your child's progress and how to support them this summer and the next school year. Watch this video to learn more!

District Common Final Exams begin soon
Common Final Exams (CFE) are district created tests that are administered to students for courses that are not aligned to a state assessment, like the FAST, or a national assessment, like an Advanced Placement test.   
In OCPS, CFEs are mostly computer-based. In elementary and middle school, most CFEs are 60 minutes and in high school most CFEs are 80 minutes.
FACT: At the elementary level, CFE scores do not impact report card grades. At the middle school and high school, the CFE score counts for 20% of the overall grade.
Upcoming Assessment Dates
May 8 - N.G.S.S.S Civics End of Course Assessment | Middle School Students enrolled in Civics
May 8 - Statewide Science Assessment Day 1 | Grades 5 & 8
May 9 - B.E.S.T. Algebra I End of Course Assessment | High School Students enrolled in Algebra I
May 9 - B.E.S.T. Geometry End of Course Assessment | High School Students enrolled in Geometry
May 9 - Statewide Science Assessment Day 2 | Grades 5 & 8
May 9 - FAST Mathematics and English Language Arts (grades 3 and up) results available on the OCPS Parent Portal
May 15 to May 26- District Common Final Exams
Make sure students get a good night's sleep and eat breakfast before any state assessment
NOTE: The information can also be found on the OCPS Current Families site under Finish Fierce.

May 11 Parent Academy graphicMay 12 Parent Academy graphic

Save the Dates for upcoming Parent Academies

These virtual and in person family events are designed to help you support your student. Event information can be found on the OCPS website calendar, your school website calendar, on the OCPS Facebook events page and on the Parent Academy registration page.
Summer Tips for ELL Parents - May 11, 6 - 7 p.m.
College Admissions Representatives present: Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs) - May 12, 6 - 7 p.m.
Register in advance

Parent Engagement Checklist
Register for upcoming Parent Academies
Check for missing assignments
Mark your calendars with important testing dates

RBELC building with 2023 Congratulations graduates

Make sure to check out this year's #OCPSGrads. Throughout the month of May and into June, we will post a story about a standout graduate from each high school.