School Board conducts work session (May 7, 2024)
Posted on 05/07/2024
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At today’s work session, the Orange County School Board received multiple updates from staff beginning with Facilities. The Chief Facilities Officer provided a presentation regarding construction updates and how the district continues to grow. Sincethe 10-year student enrollment is anticipated to be greater than school capacity, the facilities department recommended that 15 new schools be constructed through 2034. Six of those schools are currently unfunded. Along with capacity enhancements, comprehensive needs, capital renewal, ancillary facilities and technology needs, the department will require $8.9 billion over the next 10 years. With the current half-cent sales tax sunsetting in December 2025, the Chief Facilities Officer shared with the school board a budget shortfall of $2.7 billion for facilities priorities between fiscal years 2024 and 2033.


In addition, the Chief Financial Officer presented on the district’s budget for the 2024-25 school year. The presentation included year-over-year funding since 2007. It was reiterated that the half-cent sales tax continuation is imperative for the financial stability of the capital budget due to inflation and the increase in construction costs. The Governor has not yet  approved the final state budget.


The final presentation to the school board included a 2024 legislative session update by the Senior Director of Government Relations. The presentation included information regarding the state budget, highlighted bills and the status of legislative leadership and Orange County’s delegation for the next legislative cycle. 


Next steps:

  • Budget workshop - May 21, 2024
  • Tentative budget hearing – July 30, 2024
  • Final budget adoption – Sept. 10, 2024


Watch the work session to view the entire discussion.


*Reminder* Work sessions are live-streamed on the School Board’s YouTube channel  and accessible from web browsers on computers or mobile devices.