Mondays with Maria: Holiday Rapid Fire Questions
Posted on 12/18/2023
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Speaker 1: Welcome to Mondays with Maria, brought to you by the Foundation for Orange County Public Schools. Here's OCPS Superintendent, Dr. Maria Vazquez.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Hi everyone. I can't believe I'm saying this, but this is the last week of school before winter break. Where does the time go? Bri McNaught from our Communications Division is back with me.

Bri MacNaught: Yeah, Dr. Vasquez, everyone is in the holiday spirit right now, so we thought it would be a good time to bring back the ever so popular rapid fire questions. Okay,

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Okay, here we go. Oh my goodness.

Bri MacNaught: All right. So remember, it has to be the first thing that comes to mind. I think the questions are fairly easy. All right?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Okay. So the first thing I remember, the last one was really quite a lot of fun, so I'm going to get in that mindset.

Bri MacNaught: All right first one, have you ever re-gifted a present?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Yes, I have.

Bri MacNaught: We'll quickly go to the next one. What is your favorite holiday song?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Little Drummer Boy,

Bri MacNaught: That's a good one. What holiday themed food is your favorite?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Hmm, my favorite, I would say have to be the peanut butter cookies with the little chocolate kisses on top. Love those.

Bri MacNaught: That's a good choice. What is your favorite holiday movie?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Home Alone, it's my favorite.

Bri MacNaught: Love it. That was perfect. What is your favorite holiday guilty pleasure?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Okay, so no judging here, but I don't get a lot of time to watch like television. So like binge watching some of my shows with some real, real hot chocolate that's made with shaved chocolate, whipped cream and maybe, or maybe not Nutella on the side.

Bri MacNaught: I can agree with that one. Now, what one word best describes the holidays for you?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Family

Bri MacNaught: A real tree or fake tree?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: So we always had real trees and then when all the kids moved away we have a fake tree. My husband loves it 'cause that is his contribution and it takes longer to take the tree out than it does to set it up.

Bri MacNaught: So it's easy <laugh>Yes. All right. Do you finish shopping early or finish shopping last minute?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: I'm shopping till the very end

Bri MacNaught: Shop in store or online?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Oh, no, online.

Bri MacNaught: I agree there. Matching pajamas or ugly holiday sweaters?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: So neither, although my kids do the matching pajamas, but we don't do either.

Bri MacNaught: Okay. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: So the place wouldn't matter. What would matter is that all of my kids and grandkids would be there. They live spread out now, and so it's, it's rare that we're all together in the same place.

Bri MacNaught: Do you prefer to go out for New Year's or stay in?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Stay in.

Bri MacNaught: Do you make New Year's resolutions?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Yes, every year and sometimes I make it to February

Bri MacNaught: Last, but not least. What are you most thankful for this year?

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Oh, I'm thankful for my family. We just had the birth of our new grandson, Charles Alexander, right before Thanksgiving, and so family is precious to me and I'm thankful for them and for our health.

Bri MacNaught: Amazing. I love it. Well, that was fun. These are perfect for any type of holiday gathering.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Yes, they are. Whether you're doing an icebreaker or you've got friends and family over. Absolutely a lot of fun. Thanks. Yeah, of course. I appreciate all of you watching. I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season, and I hope you take time and relax with family and friends during the winter break. I will see you next year for more
Mondays with Maria. Happy holidays.

Speaker 2:
Mondays with Maria has been brought to you by the Foundation for Orange County Public Schools. Investing in our children today to strengthen our community tomorrow. For more OCPS news and information, visit