Mondays with Maria - Thought Exchange
Posted on 08/28/2023
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Welcome to Mondays with Maria, brought to you by The Foundation for Orange County Public Schools. Here's OCPS Superintendent Dr. Maria Vasquez.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Hi everyone. Nancy Alvarez is back with me today to talk about some of our Thought Exchange topics and questions,

Nancy Alvarez: And there is a lot to talk about. So we look at the trending themes right now on Thought Exchange, and they are employee salaries and retention, the cell phone policy changes in schools, that's a big one. And then maintenance and custodial concerns. So we're going to run through them all. Let's start with employee salaries and retention.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Sure. our package that was presented to the Classroom Teachers Association included increases for teachers that were rated highly effective $5,350.00. For an effective teacher they would see an increase of $4,275.00 And that doesn't include the increases to retention supplements, as well as other supplements that we have included, our Speech Language Pathologist, ESE teachers, Behavior Specialists. And I encourage those that are interested in more information to go back to our website. We have a link that includes the full package. It also does include an increase to insurance benefits. And I know that's a concern for many of our employees. The increase would not go into effect until next year. There is a no cost plan available to employees, and the increases vary depending on the plan that they have chosen. There will also be an opportunity for them to change plans if they so choose.

Nancy Alvarez: All right. Up next, the cell phone policy changes that we're seeing this school year. Several weeks ago we talked about it here on Mondays with Maria, but for families who still are trying to kind of wrap their head around the changes, let's talk about it again and let's talk a little bit about when kids can and can't use it. I know on Thought Exchange, the lunch period was brought up as a concern

Dr. Maria Vazquez: And I think that's where we have had the most discussion around, what are children supposed to do who really rely on their cell phone during lunchtime? So I've made it a point when we're visiting schools, if it's lunchtime to walk the cafeteria I've talked to students about the new cell phone policy. I've looked to see do we have children who are isolated and are by themselves? And our messaging to our principals has been to be on the lookout for that. We really want kids to be engaged, to be connected and there are some phenomenal ideas that they have come up with to engage our students. In fact, I just heard at the beginning of this week that we have a school that is getting pickle ball courts so that they can, they can play during that time. Others are, are doing activities with their clubs. And I want parents to know that we are going to monitor the data. We're also going to get input and feedback, and then at the end of the first semester, that will be presented to the board to see if we need to make, you know, any adjustments. But so far, the vast majority of our students really have not seen a problem with the cell phone policy. So I'm hopeful that this new change is going to bring about a more positive climate and culture in our schools.

Nancy Alvarez: Alright, Dr. Vazquez. So up next, facilities maintenance, custodial services, that was another issue that came up on Thought Exchange. I have to tell you, my daughter came home the first week of school and said, oh, the AC is out in our classroom. And I thought, oh, that's weird. But now I'm finding out this is the thing, it is so hot outside and it's hard to keep up with over 200 schools.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Yes. it is very, very hot. It's August, it's Florida, and we have seen a number of our schools that are struggling with temperatures and the HVAC systems keeping up with cooling down the classrooms. And so we remind schools to put in the work orders. And our team really has done a phenomenal job deploying staff so that they are addressing those issues as quickly as possible. We also have altered the schedule of when the air conditioners start and we will monitor that. And if we need to adjust it even further, we will. We're hoping that, you know, as September comes around, the temperatures will not be as hot in that we will have found the right balance of when to turn those air conditioners on so that the, the heat is not so high.

Nancy Alvarez: All right. Always great to get these updates straight from you and to know that you really are listening, you know, on Thought Exchange when people are leaving their comments. Also make sure we want to point out we did not plan this, this outfit.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: I know. Can you believe it?

Nancy Alvarez: But I think we should start because this is cute.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: It does, I was so surprised when I walked in and we met.

Nancy Alvarez: Alright, well thank you to everyone who submitted a thought topic or a question. Be sure to keep them coming because we're talking about them.

Dr. Maria Vazquez: Yes. I appreciate everyone for using the Thought Exchange platform. The link is on your screen to continue submitting topics and questions. I would also like to announce the return of my town hall meetings. Dates and locations will be released soon. And I hope everyone will come out as I'd love to hear from you. I'll see you next week on Mondays with Maria

Mondays. With Maria has been brought to you by The Foundation for Orange County Public Schools, investing in our children today to strengthen our community tomorrow. For more OCPS news and information, visit