Board reviews policies (June 11, 2024)
Posted on 06/11/2024
Graphic of PowerPoint opening slide
During today’s scheduled work session and rule development workshop, the Orange County School Board discussed policies IHAR, JB, JCA and JFBD.
The Office of Curriculum and Digital Learning provided a presentation and recommended the repeal of Policy IHAR – Digital Learning. With technology changes, many of the policy provisions are outdated, and others are included in areas such as the Code of Student Conduct and within Management Directives.
Next Steps
Board approval -  June 25, 2024
District staff provided a presentation that included proposed changes to Policy JB – Equal Educational Opportunities, Policy JCA – Assignment of Students to School, and Policy JFBD – Magnet School Programs. Proposed revisions to the existing policies include edits to content, formatting, and terminology consistent with statutory and rule language.
Next steps
Rule development workshop - July 16, 2024
The Chief Financial Officer then briefed School Board Members on the Florida Education Finance Program. The FEFP was established in 1973 and is the primary source for funding operating costs of Florida school districts. FEFP is calculated based on student attendance during required survey periods. The 2024-2025 school year will include an increase in $191.25 in Base Student Allocation (BSA). The presentation provided to members is available for review.
Watch the meeting to view the entire discussion.
*Reminder* Work sessions and rule development workshops are live-streamed on the School Board’s YouTube channel and accessible from web browsers on computers or mobile devices.